List of Celebrities who still Smoke

 Celebrities, particularly the really famous ones are supposed to be role models. Nevertheless, a lot of them are still struggling…

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List of Celebrities with Autism

 Autism is a disorder characterized by impaired social communication and interaction and by repetitive and restricted behavior.  The   signs of…

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2009 List of Celebrities who Died

 The year 2009 has been an odd one. This is because it seemed that every three weeks, a celebrity died….

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List of Celebrities with Cancer

 Cancer does not care if you are famous or not, wealthy or not, elite or not. The evidence of this…

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List of Celebrities who’ve been to Rehab

 There are a lot of celebrities who have been in and out of rehab for various reasons. The list of…

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List of Celebrities with AIDS

 HIV/AIDS strikes anyone,   rich or poor, young and old, unknown or famous. The many unknown victims will go unnoticed while…

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List of Celebrities who died in 2011

 The list of celebrities who died in the year 2011 is many. Celebrity deaths include dead actors, TV personalities, dead…

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Highest Earning List of Celebrities

 Celebrities are persons who are widely-recognized in a society and command a great degree of media and public attention. The…

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List of Celebrities

A celebrity is someone who is recognized widely in a society and commands a great degree of media and public…

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