Famous Celebrities who have Lupus

 Lupus is a disease that doesn’t distinguish between   rich, poor, age and race. Famous or not, anyone could get lupus. …

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Famous Celebrities behind Bars

 Celebrities are not immune to offenses and there are several of them that have landed or currently in jail. There…

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Famous Celebrities with ADHD

 There are many famous celebrities who have ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thomas Edison had a difficult time in…

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Famous Celebrities with Disabilities

 Did you know that there are numerous famous celebrities with disabilities? Many people think that celebrities just shot to the…

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Famous Celebrities with Twins

 There are many famous celebrities who are mothers to twins. Singers, actresses, from the well-known to the less-recognized political and…

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2011 Famous Celebrities

 The 2011 famous celebrities’ age range from early teens to late sixties. Moreover, the group of the riches celebrities this…

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Before they became Famous Celebrities

What better way to spend the last days of summer than by checking out pictures of famous celebrities before they…

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Get in Touch with Famous Celebrities

Do you want to get in touch with famous celebrities? Would you like to contact a singer or a movie…

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